Scleromystax barbatus

Price: $9.00

Size: 1

Although these are not a true Corydoras they are a member of the Callichthyidae family which is the same family as the Corydorus. As adults they can reach a size of 4" long. These fish have a fantastic color pattern. This is a fish that likes cooler soft water, the temperature should be 60-76 deg F with a pH of 5.5-7.4 the adults will do fine with the higher end of the pH but they need low pH for them to breed and the eggs to hatch. We keep our S. barbatus on a sand bottom since gravel can cause damage to their mouth structures since they like to dig through the substrate. We find in interesting to watch them forage through the sand looking for worms or any other foods such as frozen shrimp or dry sinking foods. We also feed them a variety of Repashy Gel foods such as Spawn and Grow, Bottom Scratcher or Grub Pie. As with other Corydoras types these fish prefer to be kept in groups. If looking for males and females we recommend buying 6 or 8 young fish and letting the grow out.